A Woman-Owned Construction Partner

Projects Bidding
UNC Morehead Chemistry Lab Exposed Ceiling

Morehead Labs at UNC Chapel Hill

Muter Construction provided general contracting services for the interior renovations, HVAC and exhaust upgrade to UNC’s Morehead Hall which measures 66,000 square feet and houses 25 chemistry teaching labs for the university. This emergency contract required the replacement of eight 8,000 CFM inline mixed flow lab exhaust fans with like kind fans with VFD’s; replacement of three Siemens motor-control centers with new 480V/3 phase panels and motor controls; provision of signal and power to existing student enclosure hood alarms to operate when exhaust fans are on; refurbishing existing make-up air units; adding controls for lab exhaust fans and make-up air units; replacement of eight unconditioned make-up teaching fume hoods with non-makeup style hoods with lower airflows and refurbishing four indoor duct AHU’s as well as significant interior renovation work.

Photo Credit: Jerry Blow
Photo Credit: Susan Holt

UNC Chapel Hill
Engineered Designs Inc.
Chapel Hill, NC
66,000 sqft